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爱游戏-尚美而行 设计共生 ——尚佰高定江苏常熟设计师设计研学之旅圆满结束

返回列表 浏览:22 发布时间:2024-09-25【 来源:爱游戏家具 作者:小浩



  OnJune 12th, the Changshu franchisee of Shangbai Haute Coutureorganized a two-day study tour to the headquarters in Hefei, Anhui,for local outstanding designers from Changshu. This study tour wasinitiated by the Shangbai Haute Couture headquarters and organized bythe Changshu franchisee, offering local designers from Changshu anopportunity for learning and exchange.


  Thefirst stop of the study on the afternoon of June 12th was at theXiatang factory area of Shangbai Haute Couture. Visiting the factoryis a crucial part of the learning process, allowing designers tounderstand woodworking products from their source. The raw materials,production process, and craftsmanship are all integral parts of thelearning experience. Familiarity with the products enables them to bebetter utilized in design. The designers took notes very seriouslyduring the visit and engaged in discussions with the guidingteachers, who patiently answered their questions


  Thesecond stop of the study tour on June 13th was at Shangbai HauteCouture's Hefei No. 1 flagship store. Covering an area of 3000 squaremeters, the showroom features spaces in various styles that recreatefamily living scenarios. The entire showroom employs architecturaltechniques such as sunken spaces, elevated ceilings, and Scarpa-stylelayered steps. The combination of products, smart technology, andsoft furnishings perfectly embodies Shangbai Haute Couture's productphilosophy of "high aesthetic value, high quality, highexperience, high delivery, and high cost-effectiveness."

  产品是否能落地,对设计师来说非常重要,一号店的超高超宽的空间落地的产品大程度上是对设计师想法的落地的一个最好呈现,设计师们核心 中选参观完一号旗舰店后对尚佰高定产品的空间设计展示、服务、品质给予了高度的认可。

Whethera product can be implemented isvery important for designers. Theoversized and wide-open spaces of the No. 1 store largely demonstratethe implementation of designers' ideas, and after visiting theflagship store, the designers highly recognized the spatial designdisplay, service, and quality of Shangbai Haute Couture's products.

  看完展厅第三站游合柴1972文创园。合柴1972文创园,个性难改 分道扬镳改造中坚持以工业遗产保护与文化创意相结合,基于原有工业遗存的结构特征和建筑文化,结合合肥这座城市的发展特色,打造了包括现代艺术展览展示、创意设计工坊、文创空间和生活美学中心等主题板块。设计师误期 见面学习当中感受徽派美学,体验徽派文化。

  Thethird stop was a visit to the Hechai 1972 Cultural and Creative Park.In its transformation, the park adheres to the combination ofindustrial heritage protection and cultural creativity. Based on thestructural characteristics and architectural culture of the originalindustrial remains, and combined with the development characteristicsof the city of Hefei, it has created themes including modern artexhibitions, creative design workshops, cultural and creative spaces,and centers for the aesthetics of life. During their learning,designers experienced Hui-style aesthetics and culture.


  As the two-day study came to an end, the designers from Changshu,Jiangsu, returned home filled with confidence, having gained a lotfrom this learning and exchange experience. Shangbai Haute Couturewill continue to provide opportunities for learning and exchange fordesigners nationwide, adhering to the philosophy of mutual progressand development, integrating design with humanity and nature,pursuing beauty in action, and fostering coexistence in design!
