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爱游戏-尚美而行 设计共生 ——尚佰高定江苏靖江设计师设计研学之旅圆满结束

返回列表 浏览:22 发布时间:2024-09-03【 来源:爱游戏家具 作者:小浩


近日,江苏靖江设计师们诱人 陈腐靖江尚佰加盟商的组织下开展了一场设计研学之旅——九华祈福,高定之旅。

此次高定之旅着迷 出名尚佰高定总部安徽合肥和九华山举办。本次设计研学之旅由尚佰高定总部策划,靖江加盟商牵头组织,邀请了靖江当地知名设计师参与.

Recently,designers from Jiangsu Jingjiang embarked on a design research andstudy trip organized by the Jingjiang franchisees of SUNBUY - ajourney for Buddhist blessings and high-end customization.

Thishigh-end customization journey was held at SUNBUY's headquarters inAnhui Hefei and Mount Jiuhua.The design research and study trip wasplanned by SUNBUY's headquarters and led by the Jingjiangfranchisees, inviting well-known local designers from Jingjiang toparticipate.


Onthe evening of June 6th, the designers from Jingjiang arrived inHefei. After a night's rest, their first stop on the morning of the7th was to visit the SUNBUY high-end customization plant in XiatangTownship, Changfeng County, Hefei City. This plant represents a newgeneration of digital factories established as part of SUNBUY'snational strategic development. During the factory tour, the guideshared with the designers SUNBUY's development history, currentbusiness status, and future development plans. They also led thedesigners through the production process from the carpentry workshopto the primer workshop and finally to the topcoat workshop,showcasing different craft effects. After this hands-on experience,the designers felt more confident about SUNBUY and expressed approvalof its achievements and development plans.


Inthe afternoon, the second stop was a visit to SUNBUY's flagship storeNo.1, which spans an area of 3000 square meters. Upon arrival, thedesigners were immediately captivated by a seven-meter tallPodocarpus macrophyllus at the entrance, taking photos and checkingin. The outdoor courtyard design in front of the showroom offered asoothing and tranquil atmosphere. Inside, spaces of different stylesrecreated family living scenes, perfectly integrating products, smarttechnology, and soft furnishings, embodying SUNBUY's productphilosophy of "high aesthetics, high quality, high experience,high delivery, and high cost-performance." After the visit, thedesigners had some exchanges with the guide, highly recognizingSUNBUY's spatial design display, service, and quality.

随后设计师们踏上了前往九华研学旅途,6月8日上午是祈福行程,化成寺,小天台,肉身宝殿,设计师们为家人祈福,阴谋 诡辩祈福过程中并感受了九华的人文之美,晋唐以来,许多文坛大儒游历于此,吟诵出一首首千古绝唱,还有丹青巨匠挥毫泼墨,留下了一幅幅传世佳作。九华的人文是值得设计师们去探索和感受的。

Subsequently,the designers embarked on their journey to Mount Jiuhua for researchand study. On the morning of June 8th, they began with a blessingceremony at Huacheng Temple, Xiao Tiantai, and the Hall of theRelics, where they prayed for their families and experienced thecultural beauty of Mount Jiuhua. Since the Jin and Tang dynasties,many literary scholars have traveled here, composing immortal poems,and great painters have left behind masterpieces. The culture ofMount Jiuhua is worth exploring and experiencing for designers.

下午设计师们前往了花台景区,花台景区内风光壮美,景色绮丽,以奇峰怪石、云海雾凇、花的海洋而著称,素有“灵山九华,美苍穹 天南地北花台”的说法,设计师们感受着九华山川、溪流、草木的自然之美,撕开 撤除自然中研学迸发灵感,将自然之美融入设计。

In theafternoon, the designers visited the Huatai Scenic Area, known forits magnificent landscapes, beautiful scenery, and unique peaks androcks, sea of clouds, rime frost, and flowers. It is said that "thebeauty of Mount Jiuhua lies in Huatai," where designers immersedthemselves in the natural beauty of Mount Jiuhua's mountains,streams, and vegetation, drawing inspiration from nature for theirdesigns.


Onthe morning of June 9th, the designers visited their finaldestination, the Mount Jiuhua Great Vows Cultural Park. The parkfeatures a 99-meter statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and supportingattractions and service facilities, covering more than 1500 acres. Itintegrates natural landscapes with Buddhist culture, traditional artwith modern technology, offering a tourist destination for Buddhistworship, wellness meditation, and leisure sightseeing.


SUNBUYhas always adhered to the concept of coexistence between nature andhumanity, hoping that studying Mount Jiuhua would inspire designersto break free from fixed design thinking。


Asthe study tour concluded, the designers returned to Jingjiang, havinggained much from the experience. SUNBUY hopes that designersnationwide will come to learn and exchange ideas with SUNBUY,adhering to the philosophy of mutual progress and development,integrating design with humanities and nature for a beautifulcoexistence.
