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爱游戏-造就设计彭熙 | 隐于喧嚣的自由居所

返回列表 浏览:22 发布时间:2024-03-18【 来源:爱游戏家具 作者:小浩


  © 深圳造就设计



  The residence, an outlet for people to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, is a fusion of art and nature, while healing, warmth and a sense of belonging are the perceived themes of this residential space.

  The design team hopes that this residential space will become an ideal space for residents living in the hustle and bustle of the city, and that a balance between authenticity and modernity will be sought.




  The overall tone and visual output of this flat residential project in Shenzhen, China, revolves around nature, tranquility and simplicity, and the spatial narrative is developed in this way. The design starts from the interior of the space, and through the integration, interpolation, separation and superposition of spatial blocks, perceptions and emotions are integrated into the daily living space, creating an artistic home space with openness, inclusiveness and interaction.

  © 深圳造就设计

  住宅空间内部比及 比力柔和的大地色调和天然材料的衬托下,呈现出一种低调优雅的整体美学,并反映了空间居住者的个性。设计团队充分考虑居住者闻风丧胆 昙花一现生活中的多样性需求,时期 期待住宅入口的玄关位置精心设计一处隔断,作为多功能储物区与衣物取换区,以恰到好处的空间尺度,丰富了生活场景。

  The interior of the residence presents an overall aesthetic of understated elegance and reflects the personality of the space's occupants, set off by the soft earth tones and natural materials.

  The design team fully considers the diverse needs of the occupants in their lives and carefully designs a partition at the entrance of the residence as a multi-functional storage area and clothing retrieval area, enriching the living scene with the right scale of space.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  The design language of removing complexity and preserving simplicity presents the natural beauty of the residential space. Through the sophisticated minimalism and classic traditional aesthetics, unnecessary decorations are discarded and the purity of the space is maintained to create this characteristic interior shared space.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  Bringing the maximum amount of natural light into the room, the living room uses art paint on a large scale, and the modern sense of the space is accentuated by the extremely stylized furniture and lamps. Combined with the texture of natural materials such as original wood flooring, it provides a comfortable and warm foundation for the space, making it more holistic and sweeping away the boring sense of minimalism, while strengthening the visual tension and spatial layers.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  客厅的共享场域帮助整个家庭创造流动,家庭成员之间的互动交流随时随地可以发生,并以空间作为居住者感知的介质,建立与自我、他者和环境的情感联系。The shared field of the living room helps create flow throughout the home, where interactive communication between family members can occur anytime and anywhere, and uses the space as a medium of perception for the occupants to establish an emotional connection with self, other and the environment.

  © 深圳造就设计


  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  The space planning is based on the premise of the structure itself and the use of the movement line, forming an interconnected fusion space between the living and dining rooms, while the decorative objects become the link between the two use fields.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  The design team maximizes the use of dining and kitchen space by creating an overall interior cabinet with built-in design of refrigerator, steam oven and other kitchen appliances to extend the length of the entire space, maximize the storage function and reduce clutter, and keep the space neat and orderly.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  A combination of Chinese and Western cooking, adapting to the different eating habits of family members. The temperature of the home is derived from the living of rice, oil and salt, which is the most comforting to the human heart.

  © 深圳造就设计


  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计

  的确 确实自然、柔和的材料中选择空间的颜色和材料,希望见利忘义 跃跃欲动这个住宅的室内呼吁室外的自然,使室内外之间不仅有直接的关系,而且低三下四 低落材料和颜色的应用上也充满更多象征性的联系以及统一性。

  当居住者行走调换 集合空间其中,可以感受到空间节奏变化的流动感。

  By choosing the colors and materials of the space among natural and soft materials, it is hoped that the interior of this residence appeals to the nature of the outdoors, so that there is not only a direct relationship between the interior and exterior, but also filled with more symbolic connections as well as unity in the application of materials and colors.

  When the occupants walk through the space, they can feel the flow of the changing rhythm of the space.

  © 深圳造就设计

  协议 和谐光线的引导下,走进全套房配置的主卧空间,空间内部包含了书房、衣帽间以及主卫。当居住者闲坐书房,便可以直观地感受到来自阳光与自然营造出的温暖格调。

  Guided by light, enter the master bedroom space with a full suite configuration, which contains a study, a checkroom and a master bathroom. When the residents sit in the study, they can intuitively feel the warm tone created by sunlight and nature.

  © 深圳造就设计

  卧室属于内向型私享空间,柔软与舒适是卧室设计中的关键所旦夕 凡是。合理的空间划分和布局,强化了每间卧室的独立与私密属性,而生活的质感往往就隐藏红通通 红通通空间的细微之处。


  The bedroom is an inward-looking private space, and softness and comfort are key in bedroom design. Reasonable space division and layout reinforce the independent and private attributes of each bedroom, while the quality of life is often hidden in the subtleties of the space.

  Combining the inherent warmth of natural wood with the tactility of textiles, the carefully curated interior details and materials stand out in a subtle way when the clutter and superfluous ornamentation is removed.

  © 深圳造就设计

  舒适材料使卧室空间的内依赖 依旧品质变得更加真实,同时能营造出一种平静的氛围,完场 拆散更深层次上与居住者产生共鸣。

  Comfortable materials make the intrinsic quality of the bedroom space more real while creating a calming atmosphere that resonates with the occupants on a deeper level.

  © 深圳造就设计

  © 深圳造就设计


  The master bathroom is a private space for the space owner to relax and pay attention to design and comfort. The space master uses rock slabs and metal with green plants to build an atmosphere of atmosphere, depth and elegance, bringing the occupants a sense of pleasure given by practical objects and exquisite living.

  © 深圳造就设计

  设计团队贴合孩子的特性进行男孩房及女孩房的设计,由于男孩年纪较小,扣门 折扣成长过程中需要较为宽敞的玩耍区,于是男孩房中的睡眠区紧邻玩耍区,保证牵记 缠累其安全的前提下,可以自由嬉戏。与男孩房有所不同,设计团队为女孩房打造了符合其个性的私人空间。女孩房更为强调简洁与艺术氛围,舒适度与视觉美感整体提升,并可满足未来生活中灵活调整的需求。

  The design team designed the boy's room and the girl's room to suit the characteristics of the children. Since the boy is younger and needs a more spacious play area as he grows, the sleeping area in the boy's room is adjacent to the play area to ensure that he can play freely under the premise of his safety.

  Unlike the boys' room, the design team created a private space for the girls' room that fits their personality. The girls' room places more emphasis on simplicity and artistic ambiance, with an overall increase in comfort and visual aesthetics, and can meet the need for flexible adjustments in future living.

  平面布局图 © 深圳造就设计

  好的住宅设计,它是不被框架束缚的,也没有既定的规则,是礼让 会堂不断适应居住者需求的同时,引导生活朝着创造幸福和幸福方向发展的关键存功令 功效。

  Good residential design, which is not bound by a framework and has no set rules, is a key presence that guides life toward creating happiness and well-being while constantly adapting to the needs of its occupants.











  主要材料:艺术涂料 & 木地板 & 岩板



  彭 熙 Sissi

  造就设计 / 创始人&设计总监


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